Popular comedian and OAP Iruvwe Okeremute aka De-Don donated
his kidney to his ailing elder brother, Morris Okeremute, who urgently
needed a transplant to survive.
In a recent interview, he explains his reason for doing it.
brother started having this kidney problem in 2009. My elder sister
donated her kidney to him at the time but unfortunately in January 2013
the kidney failed because he didn't take his drugs for some weeks
because the drugs he ordered from India arrived late.
"We did not
know it was failing, we thought he just had complications but when he
went for medical check up in January, they informed him that the kidney
had failed and he had to do another transplant. The money was not
complete and I had to run around to get cash and a donor, which we
finally got but after running tests, giving him money, securing visa and
ticket for him, he ran away three days before he was due to travel.
were now left with the option of trying to see if I could donate. We
ran a test, they gave me some drugs and I was told that if I took them
religiously I would be fit enough to donate in a short while. I went
there in May, came back to Nigeria, stayed till June and travelled to
India for the transplant in July. They ran the test and discovered that I
was fit.
"It was natural that I donate to him. It wasn't
difficult making up my mind because I needed to save his life. I equally
had a proper awareness about kidney donation and also the fact that
nothing happened to my sister who had donated before. She even had
another baby boy after the donation," he said. READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/43952.html
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